Unparalleled versatality in maintaining your water treatment options.
W900 Controller: large touchscreen display with icon based programming makes setup easy. Universal sensor input provides extraordinary flexibility; the same controller can be used with almost any type of sensor needed. Four I/O slots allow complete flexibility in adding additional sensors, analog inputs and analog outputs. Multiple language support allows simple setup. Eight replay control outputs allow the controller to be used in more applications. Economical wall-mount package for easy installation. On-screen and web page graphing of sensor values and control output status. Datalogging: Email Alarm messages, Datalog reports or System Summary reports.
W900 Controller: remote access via the Internet, LAN or optional Modbus/TCP Complete flexibility in the function of each relay:
• On/Off Setpoint;
• Time Proportional Control;
• Pulse Proportional Control, when purchased with 4-20 mA or pulse solid state opto outputs;
• Flow Proportional Control, when purchased with 4-20 mA or pulse solid state opto outputs;
• PID control, when purchased with 4-20 mA or pulse solid state opto outputs;
• In-Range or Out-of-Range activation;
• Probe wash;
• Timer-based activation;
• Activation based upon the state of a contact closure.
Nulantic Water is an exclusive representative of W900 Controller. We are proud to serve customers and projects based in Atlantic Canada.
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