De Nora TETRA® ABF Advanced Biological Filter

The DE NORA TETRA® ABF bioactive filter combines ozone generation with biologically active filtration for use in municipal water applications. The process targets micropollutant
reduction and reduces disinfection byproducts in drinking water and potable reuse applications. No matter your application, Nulantic Water has the filtration solution for you.

The DE NORA TETRA®ABF Advanced Biological Filter combines ozone generation with biologically active filtration for use in municipal water applications. The process targets micropollutant reduction and reduces disinfection byproducts in drinking water and potable reuse applications.

Why Choose DE NORA TETRA® ABF Advanced Biological Systems?

  • Integrated process from the same proven supplier
  • Reduce Disinfection Byproducts and Micropollutants
  • Reduce OPEX Costs
  • Reduce your Ozone CAPEX cost
  • Ozone-enhanced biological active filtration treats micropollutants such as NDMA, MTBE and 1,4-dioxane
  • Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDC), and other contaminants of merging concern.
  • The ABF process reduces unwanted disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in drink water treatment plants
  • Treats TOC, COD and BOD
  • DE NORA TETRA ABF process for indirect/direct Water
  • Reuse versus conventional membrane based process.
  • Replacement for Full Advanced Treatment (FAT) using Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration + Reverse Osmosis + Advanced Oxidation Process.

Why Choose a De Nora TETRA® ABF Advanced Biological Filter?

Reduced ozone equipment cost. Combining ozone with a biological filter reduces the amount of ozone generation capacity required, which means a smaller, less costly ozone generation system.
Reduced energy consumption. Because smaller ozone systems are needed, it means that you need less power to run your requirement.
The process does not require upstream RO or UF membranes. For indirect and direct potable reuse, the DE NORA TETRA ABF filter does not require expensive to own and operate membrane technology to achieve water reuse standards.

Nulantic Water is an exclusive representative of De Nora TETRA® ABF Advanced Biological Filter and is proud to serve customers and projects based in Atlantic Canada.

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