Packaged UV Plant

Modular and scalable open channel UV

The unique design of the C3500™D provides an open channel wastewater disinfection solution using fewer lamps and with reduced head loss. This is made possible by the unique design with rack-mounted delta-shaped wings that provide continual rotation and mixing of the effluent for uniform UV dose application from low-pressure, high-output (LPHO) amalgam lamps.
Pre-engineered, pre-packaged solutions for small communities under 2.6MGD peak.
(6) standard packaged systems & (6) in-channel systems based on 2-lamp racks. Standard systems have been completely documented for short lead time, low overhead production, and reduced site engineering & installation costs. 2-lamp rack & PDC designs based on Calgon Carbon UVT’s (CCC UVT) proven full-scale industrial heavy duty systems. Simple assembly – assemble channel, connect 240VAC, single phase, plug in UV racks, connect UV sensor = ready to run. Dose pacing for optimum energy efficiency – with customer supplied flow signal.
Validated performance for below 40% UVT.


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