BioTreater™ Biological Treatment & Clarification System

The BioTreater™ Biological Treatment System, integrates the biological treatment clarification, as well as solids holding and even disinfection and equalization (if needed) into a simple and compact design.

Combines the biological treatment system and clarification into a compact design utilizing common wall construction.  The system can also be designed to incorporate aerobic sludge holding, flow equalization, post aeration and chlorine contact chamber. Designed to meet most stringent effluent requirements.The system controls will provide a single point for operation of each unit process and with the incorporation of dissolved oxygen probes and TSS probes can allow for complete automating of the system. The system will include necessary pumps, diffusers, blowers, mixers scum removal, solids recirculation and wasting lines and pumps. The digester is designed for a fill-and-decant cycle. A decant pump is included to return the supernatant back to the plant for further treatment.


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