MagPrex™ Sludge Optimization & Phosphorous Recovery

Sludge optimization and phosphorous recovery

Struvite mineral buildup leads to reduced plant capacity. In wastewater reclamation plants with Biological Phosphorus Removal (BPR), phosphorus accumulates in sludge and releases in a dissolved reactive form (orthophosphate) in an anaerobic condition. Elevated orthophosphate levels in sludge causes operational challenges, including:
Deterioration of sludge dewaterability; Elevated phosphorus load to the wastewater treatment plant due to phosphorus recirculation; Uncontrolled formation of struvite (or MAP: magnesium ammonium phosphate) inside pipes and other equipment; Reduced digester capacity by struvite build-up inside the anaerobic digester. MagPrex™ optimizes the sludge treatment process like no other system
MagPrex™ turns struvite into an opportunity for resource recovery. Struvite, when formed under a controlled environment, can be harvested and utilized as a beneficial fertilizer. MagPrex™ forms struvite by stripping out CO2, elevates the pH and adds MgCl2 to augment Mg2+. MagPrex™ installs between the anaerobic digester and the dewatering equipment. The process converts the orthophosphate into struvite crystals, which is harvested from the bottom of the reactor. MagPrex™ mitigates the unexpected consequence of dewatering Bio-P sludge.


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